I have a new Blu-Ray player that I want to control with my Harmony One Remote.
When I try to open the Harmony SW I get this . . .
Having just lived through MountainLion permission problems as well as a being a certified Enraged Logitech Customer (customer non-service NOT hardware) I don't know where to go to "give" this permission
Thinking it was simple, I first went to GetInfo and reset Read/Write in the panel for both "myself" and the Admin. No effect.
I do not want to have to confront the nitwits at Logitech "service" IF this is merely an Apple problem I don't grasp.
Whadoyouthink? Despite the overprinting of the Harmony Logo atop the Apple warning sign, is there something I can do to MtnLion settings to solve this issue?
I assume you've given write permission to the Applications folder for yourself and the Admin groups, right?
If so, that may be all you can do. Mountain Lion introduces new security requirements that generally prevent applications from accessing certain places, such as core system files and the Applications folder, without an administration password. The purpose of this is to block malware that attempts to do things like download and install additional components, modify the system, or try to set itself up to run automatically.
Apple started informing developers back in the Snow Leopard days that it was no longer OK to store files in the Application folder if the application needs to write to them. I encountered this with one of the programs I wrote, and rewrote it to conform to Apple's new guidelines back in 2009, when Apple first notified developers that they should not expect their programs to be able to write to the applications folder, and told developers to use /library/Application Support to keep files they need to write to.
It sounds like the Logitech team didn't conform to those guidelines, and now, three years later, their software is having problems under Mountain Lion. (I personally think that three years is plenty of advanced warning to give developers to conform to new operating restrictions; their programmers might disagree.)
You could try giving read/write access to "everyone." If that doesn't work, you may need to wait for a software update for the remote control software.