I've seen [many times] remodels go way .. way .. beyond past the estimated cost for several reasons.
) Excepting an exceptionally
low bit [lowball contractor] which isn't anywhere near in the ball park as the other contractors bid.
) As Jennie mentioned most already. So I won't go there. Though I'm not sure she mentioned added 'add ons during-after demolition-reconstruction'.
Prime example: A complete re-due of a two story water front home by a guy {who is by no means a dummy} who I've done business with on and off for years.
new bride wanted a new place for them to start out with. As did he.
Anyway. He got all the contractors in place and they went-to-town. Practically from the slab up.
The newly weds went to Europe for a few months.
The new bride found some Italian floor tile she had to have for the kitchen.
That's fine. Kitchen boys haven't gotten that far.
Later stopped that part of construction when the shipping of said tile got held up with a ton of 'red-tape' from Europe-Italy. Finely arrived BUT countertop tile and floor tile in separate ((UGLY)) flavours. Still fine. They can work around it.
Custom built cabinets for kitchen,bathrooms,game room were finished and installed.
Special ordered appliances for kitchen arrived and fit perfectly.
Call From Europe. Bride found some appliances she had to have from Germany.
~~~ Did I mention that he was no dummy? ~~~
Contractors: What the h*ll. It's his money.
Delay with customs plus anything else that could go wrong including weather.
Would NOT do any demo till new appliances' showed up.
Arrived. Practically start from scratch.
Btw. Ever see a four door stainless steel oversized refrigerator before .. other than in a restaurant?
Kitchen finished.
Shorten this up some ....
Entire home very close to done. Exterior landscaping done. Including a custom pool and spa. Lighting everywhere.
Everything looked and worked great!
After six months in Europe, newlyweds come home.
They (she was anyways) were happy with the lake front home.
Contractors finished all the fine tuning. Was paid.
End of story? Nope!
Six/seven months later she didn't like the city, home, car, color of her fingernails.
Separated .. then divorced. Court battles up the gazzo still going on because he owns or lets say he has a piece of the pie of anything that doesn't move and some that do and she's trying to get it all. Never ever gonna happen but .....
{who is by no means a dummy}
Well. Business yes. /sigh\
Moral of this: Material items are just that Material!
What really, really counts is your loved ones.
Don't ever, ever let anything get between that.
My friend is in his sixties.
His wife of thirty plus years passed away a few years back.
All their kids have their own lives and families now.
Guess my friend was trying to fill an empty/missed void in his life...