What's your Thanksgiving day plans and menu?
Our host told us: Hors d'oeuvres (chips, dip, cheese, crackers, shrimp, dip -- and more!), turkey, dressing, mashed taters, gravy, sweet taters smothered in sugar n butter n marshmallows, green bean casserole, rolls, raviolis and something else Italian, and 3 kinds of dessert. There will only be 7 (yes, SEVEN) of us at the table. UGH! I gently suggested a salad and he said, "That's a vegetable and we're already having the green beans." Double ugh.
I'm planning a nice, big, green salad at home before we go. I'm skipping the snacks. Dinner for me will be a slice of turkey, small (like 5 bites) amount of mashed taters, maybe 1 roll, spoon of green bean casserole (not my favorite dish), and a slice of pie. I figure I'll need to double exercise to deal with that small amount. Yeah, the holidays weren't the best time to try food intake reduction.
I'm also thinking I should take some Alka-Selzter® for the rest of the gang.