Ah yes, it's those 'toxins' at work again! I don't suppose a thorough cleansing after each algae application had anything to do with the healing... What was that phrase our new member from the Northland mentioned a few weeks ago? "lex parsimoniae" ...uhmn, no, that sounds like the Latin original, translated to English, it is usually expressed as "the simplest solution is most likely correct." Especially where anecdotes are used as 'proof.'
And to further your 'competing opinions' fun... I heard a
real scientist say the following just a few weeks ago: **"Collect enough anecdotal stories and you have data!"
Of course, acne is not a minor thing to minors!!!
Just glad the lad was able to find smooth sailing!
If I'd been offered that treatment 50+ years ago, I'd probably have tried it!
** "Occam's razor" Wikipedia: from William of Ockham (c. 1287 – 1347) I suppose Bill used the Latin term to 'cut through' to the heart of the matter?