Author Topic: From Bad to Worse - Eudora problem  (Read 1477 times)

Offline dakota

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From Bad to Worse - Eudora problem
« on: July 30, 2003, 07:13:59 PM »
Somehow I managed to lose my Eudora app - I discovered that for some reason my apps are being put on ALL my drives, and if I remove they from one, they disappear from all of them (Carbon Copy Cloner????).So - I lost Eudora!  I reinstalled Eudora and when I click on it it states it can not continue - can not find or create Eudora folder - the folder is still in the documents folder! I called Eudora - after one hour they gave up. Called Apple - the guy threw his hands in the air, said a specialist would call me in five minutes, and now, two hours later, still waiting. Running OSX 10.2.6 on a G4 733 - so far we tried accessing it by creating a new use account, zapped pram, used disk repair , repaired permissions, made sure all other Eudora folders or apps from dumped from ALL my drives (right now there are four drives). We put the Eudora folder in the trash, but a new one still won't appear. The error message is a -43, which is an error stating a file can not be found. I think most of you out there are brighter than the techs at Apple and Eudora - so HELP!!!!!! Please!! BTW, if I go into the Eudora folder in Documents and click on settings, the mail window comes up and I can even get mail -just can't get to the program by clicking on the Eudora app itself.  
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Offline ljocampo

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From Bad to Worse - Eudora problem
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2003, 11:56:26 PM »

I have read here how many times you have played with your system files.  I can't begin to think what you've inadvertently done to the system.  I think it's time you did a clean install and start over.  I know that isn't the solution you're looking for, but it's what I would do, if I had your link problems.  But before you do re install, if you do, I'd try one last thing.  Delete your library preference folder in your home directory and reboot.  This will force the OS and Finder to do a first-run and restore all possible corruption of the preference files for the system and many of the apps.  Unfortunately, you will lose any Finder, Apps, and Dock settings you had, but if it works, it's better than a re-install. Backup you mailboxes, address books, etc to a safe place first.

BTW  You can also create a new clean users account, so when you log into it, you can see if your problems are still there.  If they are gone, the problem most likely IS the User Library Prefs.

Offline dakota

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From Bad to Worse - Eudora problem
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2003, 12:31:28 AM »
Already tried a new user - didn't work. The big problem here is that I am trying to maintain my settings, primarily on OS9, because I am getting a G5 and giving this computer to my husband - and he's staying on 9.2.2. I'm worried about losing a lot of the apps he might need - then I have twice the job!.
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Offline FLASH1296

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From Bad to Worse - Eudora problem
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2003, 02:34:46 PM »
Goto:   Applications > Utities > Disc Utility   Click on repair permissions.

Offline dakota

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From Bad to Worse - Eudora problem
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2003, 10:32:40 PM »
On a lark, played with a few things and found a list of items with one unchecked - "esoteric settings".  I had seen some mention of them  on one tech note on Eudora's site, which had nothing to do with my problem, but I figured, "What the heck" - checked it and got Eudora to work - new version 6 which I had downloaded.  Now my only problem is trying to find the appropriate mail folder with all my current emails - since I wound up with a new one, with NONE of my emails. So far, not successful in finding or renaming the right folder - but fortunately I can still access the old ones by clicking on the backup settings files in the Eudora folder! clap.gif
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