...it had. Or something like that. I was attempting to test phpBB, a different forum software and part of that test was importing the existing database into phpBB. I'd backed things up multiple times, but because of difficulties (unrelated, we think) trying to copy the database, I used the existing one, since phpBB convertor instructions said that NOTHING in the existing database would be touched and all would continue to work as normal in the existing board. Yes, and I have a nice bridge to sell, if you're interested.
Much tearing of hair followed when it appeared that the board had gone walkabout. The first restore, from a backup done today, mysteriously disappeared the last 6 days worth of posts. Another backup was tried and it restored the posts, but took away any possibility of posting - the dreaded IPS Driver Error appeared every time one hit the submit button. Oh oh. So, it was on to try the complete Cpanel backup I made earlier this afternoon - and I am happy to say, we appear to be back in business - thanks to the trusty techs at Crocweb who were amazingly willing to fix all this mayhem that I had somehow caused.
I will not, needless to say, ever try to use a database that is in use to do a conversion again!!