Yup... When I updated and downloaded the upgraded Documents App there was a .zip file in it and when clicking on that to unarchive it, ones get two files, HelloWorld.c and HelloWorld.lisp.
Both just have a few lines of "stuff" that makes no sense to me... but I found this:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Hello,_World!%22_programThere are a couple of examples there, I believe I was mistaken when I thought it had to do with Python, it's actually "The C Programming Language."
And after reading the Wikipedia article I can't say I understand it better!
I just ended up putting it in a folder of "stuff" that was in the app when I got it... called the folder... "Crap" and that explains it best...
And YES! I am getting along with iOS 11.4.1 somewhat better now... I am however still very ticked off about the loss of information, and it's costing me some $$ in upgrades. Apps etc. that are greedy enough to charge for a whole new app when they should give pre-existing users a break, I HATE the way Apple keeps shoving stuff at me... "Sign up for Siri." "Here, let's help you just turn on iCloud." "You really should try Apple Music" and so on.
But I'll get over it... when does anything one does NOT cost $$ these days...
(so you don't cry!)