Dropbox and iCloud Issue, Tidbits discussionBasically, a file you have stored in iCloud may/can write a file to your local drive that is nothing more than a pointer/link to that file in iCloud. It will be very small (the minimum size is now ~4k, I think, whatever the actual Sector size in the file system). Obviously, this saves lots of space on your hard drive by storing the actual multi-GB file in iCloud.
However, the System may/can write a file on your drive with the same name as the original and iCloud copy. The difference is that it will have a suffix of ".iCloud". If you don't allow the System to display file 'types' (suffixes) you will probably not notice the anything. If you now drag that ".iCloud" file to your DropBox folder, the only thing stored will be the "tiny" ".iCloud" file rather than the multi-GB file you thought you were sending.
The worst result is that iCloud may see that you have moved the ".iCloud" file from where it should be and 'think' you have deleted the file. No problem... except that iCloud will now delete the copy you had stored at iCloud! And, since all you moved to DB is the little 'pointer' file, the only copy you might have is the original or a copy on some local external drive!
The best solution (IMHO) is to
not try to
store the same file in
both iCloud and DB (or any other 'cloud server'. Secondarily, disable the suffix-hiding method in Finder: Prefs->Advanced->"Show all filename extensions".
Ahile you have Finder prefs open, I'd suggest also checking the "Show warning before changing an extension" and "Show warning before removing from iCloud Drive".