A few years ago, I often uploaded images to Photobucket so I could to an link the image here at TS. This was helpful when TS had a rather meager web space. And it allowed me to share an image in other forums or an email. Unfortunately, as with most "free" things, Photobucket canceled free "hot-linking", it now requires $40 (per yr?).
There are now lots of "free" image storage sites. Many have a file size limit. Some have a limited storage space. Most limit file formats to the standard .gif, .jpeg and .png. Since they are free, I would not recommend any of them for "archiving" your photographic work; you might not get any notice when they "close up the shop" and you could easily lose all your images!
However, I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with any of the following sites (alphabetical order only)?
- buddyimage.com, 8MB max size, YACF*
- cubeupload.com, 5MB max size, never compressed
- imagebam.com, 10MB max size, creates thumbnails (max dimensions: 350 x 350 pixels), up to 30 images at once, 10 years old
- imagehosting.biz, YACF*
- imgBB, links to your image at this site displays in a window when the forum software includes an API
- imgbox, 10 MB max size
- imgonly.com, 10MB (or 2MB!?) max size, YACF*
- ImgSafe, 20MB Max size
- Irista.com, owned by Canon, 15GB free space
- nickpic.host, YACF*
- picijo, 10MB max size if registered
- pixelfed.social, Open source, but unknown info!
- Snaggy, great for screenshots, must view your images every 6 months to avoid their deletion
- tinypic, lots of adds/popups, will re-size to 6 preset dimensions
- tinypix, 10MB max size, YACF*)
- thumbsnap, 2MB max size, requires Twitter Acct for multiple uploading
- uploadhouse.com, 2MB max size, up to 20 files at once
I did not include any sites that do not have a free plan. Nor did I include iCloud, Google Cloud/Drive, DropBox, etc., none of which have free, unlimited space.
*YACF=Yet Another Chereveto Framework, The "framework" most favored by many sites seems to be