OK, I think I know what they mean by granules. Sometimes we get very small stuff that looks like tiny white microbeads, round and about 3 mm in diameter.
However that's not what we got Thursday. What a mess. Much of my entertainment that afternoon was watching the dozens of vehicles that got part way up the hill, only to spin their wheels. At one point there was a group of 25-30 cars in line waiting for the guy at the top. Finally a cop managed to get to the scene part way, got out of his patrol car and walked all the way up the hill and made the people turn around and go down. He then had everyone else do the same since no one was going to make it. Crazy. All because the weather people forecast 1-3 inches (we got 6) and town road trucks didn't bother to put down salt or plow. We've had three times that amount without such problems. My niece took 4 hours to get from La Guardia to western NJ, usually an hour and a half at most. The whole NJ/NYC area was in gridlock. So stupid.
Here are a few pics of "Fall" around my house now: