So...apparently the permitted tolerance is 400 microns (ie: less than a millimetre of bend) which is pretty small. Some of the photos I've seen look like more than that...
However, there is a report of someone who had one bend AFTER he'd had it for a month - and he claims it wasn't due to accidental damage etc. - that this happened on its own. Apple replaced it (with a $49 fee) as he had AppleCare. info on the bend situation (and more reports of bending after initial purchase):'m a little surprised by Apple's response to this situation, frankly. The new iPad is a beautiful thing and the screen/speed is incredible - I looked at one in the store the other day. I'd love to have one, but can't quite justify it at the moment - it's a want, not a "need" - the 2016 iPad Pro 9.7" I have works just fine. But for the price one pays for it, one wouldn't expect BENDS!