Hello Dreambird,
I had to make a mad dash to get ready for church this
morning. Sorry, it took me so long to get back to you.
Maybe it is just coincidence, but I would check with Paddy
just to see if her husband got to the root of the
problems with his Lombard
Oh, I was up bright and early this morning. I started up
the Mac and picked up where I left off last night,
The ever present problems with Printing and also with
FlashPlayer. What a mess.
This morning though, the dialog told me that it couldn't
find my Personal LaserWriter 320! What fun.
It was bad enough just having PostScript errors.
I keep telling myself "One day, you will look back on all
the folly of your "Adventures" and be able to laugh about
So, I will try to "fix" the problems today. It's a brand new
start to a brand new week.
Duty calls, so I will see you a bit later.