Hey a newbie here to TECH -SURVIVORS . Got alittle dilemnae here for you people . Iam considering getting a APPLE MULTISCAN 720 17" MONITOR ,yet Irun a standard PC (use MATROX 2mb Millenium VID card or COMPAQ CIRRUS LOGIC cl-5436 Onboard chip VIDeo) .
I know that there are adaptor cables out there to CROSSOVER PC to MAC and Vice versa, Thing is Would this MONITOR work on a PC
? or is it more suited for a G3 Beige unit that it was bundled with???
Iknow what youare gonna say ,GO AWAY PC user/loser!!!!!!! Hey Iam eventually going to get a Decent IMAC 0r EMAC ,but @t this point PC does my stuff for me , MAC monitors to me look OK , built good ,decent price>>/// so that is my potential choice.
Thanks, Chilibowl