I experienced only one problem while having OS X 10.2.8 installed: both MacJanitor and iClock failed to launch. The failure occurred both with the recent versions as well as older versions of both programs, including freshlyg downloaded versions. Consolde showed the identical error occurring during the failure to launch eitherr program, namely:
"Sep 27 12:36:47 localhost WindowServer[609]: ERROR! execle(/Applications/iClock Folder/iClock.app/Contents/ Mac OS/iClock) returned, err=22"
Curiously, the error persists after performing clean install (or rather "Archive and Install with Preserve Users and Network Settings turned on) of OS x 10.2.6.
The error does not occur with Eudora Pro 6.0, iCab 2.9.6, Explorer, Mozilla Firebird, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Hypercard, Cocktail, Spamsieve, Keyboard Maestro, Scrapit Pro X, Stuffit 8.0 components, or any other programs I have tried. I suspect the problem is in the preferences of MacJanitor and iClock, but why does it persist in OS X 10.2.6 after deinstalling and reinstalling the two programs and their preferences?