I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea. Have a used iMac 333, trying to install a larger drive, 30 gig. Put it in external USB enclosure, but Drive Set Up doesn't recognize it, so can't partition it.
Tried just putting it in iMac and starting from OS X CD-which I think I did with my iMac when I installed the 30 gig....
it will not start from the CD! All I get is the flashing question mark. Tried option-command-shift-delete-nada. Hooked up a zip drive, bootable zip disk, tried i-c-s-d again. Nada
Put 30 back in external, intialized it, installed 9.04 on it-iMac sees it, but of course, can't boot, because it's not in the first 8 gigs.
Any suggestions for this very quickly become bald, under breath muttering obscenities, caffiene shaking, wannabe Mac fixer?