Sorry it took so long to get back.
Popped the main water line while cutting down these weeds with a tractor.
Don't ask. /grumble -- grumble
Then TS was down for whatever reason here.
Bobw, I have that link and downloaded the pdfs earlier.
Yeah Bern,it's a MT.
Roy. Yes it is a [mini?] tower.
I'm not where I can get to it now but I did find the greenish-blue button earlier and all that did was pull the left side off. Didn't know about the latch inside.
I'll have to look at it later on.
This whole business started off with George's thread on ram. <gr>
The tower is what I call "The Work Horse".
In my travels I picked up some PC-100 ram cl2 sticks and figured I'd swap out the ones in there for these better one too max it out.
Guess that'll be later on now.<gr>