Glad the suffix did the trick, June, for your Windows pal.
My buddy, Harv, an AOL fancier
(the only flaw in his character I've yet discovered ) may wish to elaborate on this, but I have long harbored a suspicion that many of my AOL-additicted colleagues need, moreover, to have certain preferences set properly to receive and translate/display - - effectively - - JPEGs and other illusrative attachments.
I have a Mac-friend wedded to AOL, living, literally, just down the block from me and for years he's not been able to receive JPEGs. Despite my, uhmmm . . . encouragement . . . he has yet to rattle AOL's cage and get its advice (however rudimentary) on how to solve such a problem.
As my regular e-correspondents know, I am a frequent transmitter of JPEGs. The AOLers among that throng are the only folks (other than the WebTV practitioners, naturally) who report problems of "opening" and viewing. The
only ones.