The three maintenance scripts all do different things and must be run separately.
They must run as root, so I don't know if you want to compromise your machine's security by putting your admin password into an Applescript. Aside from that, they are unix shell scripts and I don't think it's possible to duplicate them in Applescript alone.
The best solution I found is to change the times all three scripts run, to a time when the machine is most likely to be on. So if you check your email, let's say, every day at 9:00AM, then change the
daily script to run at 9:15AM from 3:15AM. It'll run in the background and you wont even know it ran...AND there'll be no performance hit either. If you miss a day or even a couple, it's no big deal.
weekly script is probably the most important and should be run on schedule. This script is set to run at 4:30AM each Saturday. But to be honest I've missed a week or two here and there with no ill effects.
monthly script, we discussed. It doesn't do a heck of a lot, except for trashing old log files.
I posted the directions on how to change all this before in:
This threadand This ThreadIf you're interested or have further questions, I'll post comprehensive instructions and after you're done, you'll never again need MacJanitor.