I'm digging around trying to find as much information on this as I can.
I've searched the TS site and read some of Krissel's posts.
And I know that if I pay $10 I can be a registerd XpostFacto user and have access to their forums, etc.
BUT I'm not sure I wanna spend any money - yet.
I need to know if running Jaguar (or Panther) on my setup would be more than just a "proof-of-concept", but actually usable.
I know the pitfalls are:
• Loss of the internal Floppy drive
• Incompatibility/problems with some RAM
• Incompatibility/problems with some SCSI chains/drives
• Loss of "LocalTalk"
• Restrictions on "Boot" drive size/partitions
• Incompatibility/problems with some PCI cards
General comments have been made that seem to indicate it's worthwhile, but nothing specific, like - "runs iMove and iDVD, Photoshop 7 soars!"
What I have is a "FrankenMac" as follows:
8500 case
7500 motherboard
Sonnet 450Mhz G3 processor with 1MB L2 cache
512 MB RAM
3 fast internal SCSI Drives 1) IBM DGHS 4GB 7200 RPM and 2) IBM 18XP 7200 RPM UltraStars
Rage 128 16MB PCI video card with DVD decoder (from B+W)
USB 1 PCI card
FireWire 400 PCI card
Ethernet networked to printers, other Macs
I'd really like to see some test data on how the performance is.
Any insights, links would be appreciated.
Oh, with my daughter away at college, I'm sooo broke (she has a G4 PowerBook!).