You have a PC, you are concerned about privacy and virus issues, and you are considering upgrading/changing your OS/platform.
Hmmm . . .
Sounds like an ideal time for you to consider taking a look at Linux.
A. Mac OS X is a window manager running on top of *nix.
B. Linux distributions are window managers running on top of *nix.
Linux does have the advantage of likely being able to run on your current machine - likely faster than Windows XP. You can also dual boot with Windows, if you like.
And Linux is free.
(1) You can buy a whole new (used) Mac - and buy new MacOSs as they come out. Plus purchase utilities and utility upgrades. Plus purchase applications and application upgrades. Or -
(2) You can install Linux on you current machine for free - with all utilities and applications you will likely need included for free. And later - upgrade OS and applications together, for free.
Easiest place to start is the Knoppix distribution of Linux. Knoppix runs entirely off a CD - you do not have to install it to your hard drive - it will not disturb what is currently on your hard drive.
If Knoppix runs, you know that your hardware will handle Linux and you can get a taste of the current state of Linux. Web browsing, word processing, printing, email and instant messaging should all be pretty easy. More advanced things are - more advanced.
As to the audio-visual creation areas where the Mac excells?
The answer to that one is easy. Buy a Mac.
Though the GIMP may be an adequate alternative to Photoshop for non-professional use.
If you go the Mac route, consider a $50 KVM switch - that way you can hook two computers up to one monitor, one keyboard, and one mouse. This reduces costs and desktop clutter and allows the transition from one system to the other to be gradual and easy - you just switch between computers during the transition period instead of switching over cold turkey.
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