Author Topic: OT, sort of: Bill G. and MS investments  (Read 1012 times)

Offline krissel

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OT, sort of: Bill G. and MS investments
« on: March 13, 2003, 12:21:00 AM »
Some of you may think this is a bit paranoid or may be of the opinion that "hey, everyone does it" so why not?

I'm referring to the extensive holdings and influence that is known regarding our friend Bill Gates and Microsoft. Mind you this is above and beyond the monopolistic control of Windows itself.

I did a little "Googling" this eve and came up with an astounding list of investments by MS and Bill's personal investment company Cascade Investments LLC .

Here's a hint at some of MS partners:

MS "friends"

 Cascade Investments  only has to reveal info on investments that excede 5% of a particular company. But even at that I was able to find at least that much of a stake in the following companies:

•silver mining
•monoclonal antibodies (cancer treatment)
•oil company
•solid waste (about 35% of largest company in US)
•science R&D co. (mission statement " to gain control of the flow of evolution")    
•scrap metal recycler
•power utility (also owns telecommunication, health services, plastics, etc.)
•turbine engine company
•satellite co. (low orbit communications)
•Corbis (which already owns a vast majority of picture rights, including historic fine art pieces)
•General Dynamics ("Gates will own a substantial stake in a company that makes sophisticated weapons systems and effectively controls the business of building nuclear-powered ships for the United States military.")

OK, add to this....I was watching a report on the evening news tonight about how the armament in the Middle East is supposed to be able to recognize and locate our own men and military hardware but sometimes the software doesn't work properly and at least 12 allied forces have been killed in Afganistan due to "friendly fire".

Now, I'm not blaming MS or Bill but making a point about how this world is so controlled by forces we don't see on the surface and how difficult it is to take any comment and believe the individual doesn't have a personal interest that may belie their apparent belief.

Sorry to get so maudlin. Just want to grab some of these people who make statements with such total black and white thinking and push their faces in a pool of grey.

A Techsurvivors founder