I'm currently working on a Quark document that uses two special (Pantone) colours.
When I set up the colours in Quark (let's use one of them - Pantone 143 as an example), they are shown thus; Pantone 143 CV (for coated).
Howver, if I set up files in Illustrator or Photoshop to use in the same document, they are described as Pantone 143 C (i.e. without the 'V').
When I call an eps into the Quark document, it automatically sets up the new colour - Pantone 143 C. So within the same Quark file, I have two colours listed as separate plates - Pantone 143 C and Pantone 143 CV.
I've tried deleting one of the colours, but when I print as separations, I'm missing items that should be printing in that colour.
Does this resolve itself at repro stage, or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for any help.