As I recall, Office Manager 98 is a bit buggy, so the problem you are having is not uncommon. I too experienced problems with Office Manager. The following worked for me. Perhaps you too will find this work around to be a superior solution:
1. Move all pieces of Office Manager to the trash, but do not empty the trash (yet).
2. Make a new folder and call it MOM (or whatever). Make an alias of all the applications you want to reside in the former Office Manager and put these in this new MOM folder. Then, put the newly created MOM folder in the Apple Menu Items Folder within the Systems Folder. Now, instead of mousing to the top of your screen and opening Office Manager, you merely go to the Apple. Your apps are now but a click away in the MOM folder.
3. If you are happy with the new MOM in the Apple, empty the trash. If you are not happy, highlight the items in the trash and then click Command +Y (that will "put away" these item to their original location). You may then trash the newly created MOM folder.
[ 05-03-2003, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: pendragon ]