Jen, Welcome to TechSurvivors. Certainly we are glad to see you, but meeting under less stressful circumstances would have been OK too.
As to the issue at hand, what version of AOL are you using? There is a new version, especially for OS X, AOL 10.3, available from steps may fix the problem:
1. Trash all pieces of AOL that reside on OS X. Do not touch the AOL that is on your OS 9 partition. Then do a search on "AOL" to ensure all remnants are gone from (only) OS X.
2. Download and install the new AOL OS X version on your OS X partition.
3. When you first log on to AOL, do not blow through the installation. You will be given a chance to incorporate your settings and preferences from a previous version. When presented with this opportunity, navigate to the AOL application on the OS 9 partition and select that. That way you won?t lose your address book or any of your settings.
If you know anyone with a broadband connection, perhaps they will download and make a copy (on a Zip or burn a CD) of AOL for you. Otherwise, the 25 M download will take a bit of time and a great bit of patience.
Also, please note: The board will shutdown at midnight (EDT), Saturday, May 3, for approximately 12 hours while we make the move to our new software. Everyone who has elected to receive emails from the admins will be emailed upon reopening.
And finally, do hang in there, only rarely is a problem not solved.
[ 05-03-2003, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: pendragon ]