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Messages - mastercheif

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
2007 / 10.4.9 Update
« on: March 14, 2007, 01:11:14 AM »
Wow, first post in a WHILE.

Did anybody else notice that their computers internal speakers are much loader after the update?

2006 / iTunes artwork - advice please
« on: December 20, 2006, 02:34:12 AM »
Yea, iTunes will automaticly resize the pictures for whatever you want. But if you really want to, the default is 300*300.

2006 / What CPU do you have in your mac?
« on: December 06, 2006, 09:43:44 PM »
What powers your main mac?

2006 / Music Downloads
« on: November 05, 2006, 03:23:21 PM »
"All I'm going to say is consider this from the artists point of view. How would you feel if you were the artist whose work and income was being up/downloaded? If you specifically stated you wanted to give it away, that's your preogative. Otherwise, you would consider it your 'work'. One may have difficulty paying for room and board with 'applause'. I've yet to know of a mortgage company accepting that in lieu of cash."

That's pretty subjective. Most artists these days could actaully care less about how many albums they sell. The RIAA's Big Three have a absosulte monopoly on the music market. They give all artist's these days really bad contracts because where else are they going to go? If you wanted to have a popular band, where would you go? Sony BMG or a Indi lable? The big three swollow up most of the Artist's CD sales because you can attribute most CD sales to radio playback time, wich the Lables pay for. Most artist's actually make their money from other things such as merchindice and tours.

2006 / Music Downloads
« on: November 05, 2006, 11:32:21 AM »
"Visa and MasterCard probably pulled out of the Russian site through pressure from the RIAA and the governments of those countries where downloading is illegal."

Just because the RIAA want's to tell you it's illegal, doesn't mean it is. Yes, Mastercard and Visa pulled out, but thats because the RIAA was threatining a Legal suite that the RIAA would have lost. But legal costs are so high up these days that they money the companies make off of Allofmp3 would not have coverd the legal costs they would go trough to fight it.

And remeber, lets say you bought a CD of Pink Floyd 5 years ago and you lost it. It is your legal right to download it again because when you buy the CD, you are actulaly buying a Liscence to Play the product, the CD is a added in bonus.

2006 / Music Downloads
« on: November 05, 2006, 01:46:16 AM »
I beleive the russian site you are talking about is Allofmp3

I have used the site before, and I will continue too. It is not illegal to download songs from their because they are protected by the copyright laws in Russia. They are a exelent service. They charge istead of by the song, but by the MB.

2006 / Computer won't charge?
« on: November 05, 2006, 01:28:38 AM »
Lol, I had the same problem with my OLD MBP a few times. Reseting the PMU should do it. You did it with no power to the computer right? No bat or magsafe?

2006 / RSS
« on: October 25, 2006, 09:02:27 PM »
I am currently using Google reader, wich just got a Ajaxy rewrite over the past week. It is not my main RSS reader.

2006 / Should I go from Explorer 5.1 to Safari?
« on: October 25, 2006, 09:00:14 PM »
I would go to safari, because it is the most optimpized browser for mac. But what you guys are saying about its CSS capibilitys, but that is not nececaraly a bad thing because most sites are desighned for IE.

2006 / What does your Mac do when you're away?
« on: October 22, 2006, 10:40:20 PM »
My computer is usally seeding and downloading 100+ torrents....

2006 / Upgraded Charter Cable Service...
« on: September 09, 2006, 04:11:25 PM »
Wow, I am paying $30 for 15000/1500....

Cablevision RULZ!

2006 / Macbook
« on: September 05, 2006, 07:25:49 PM »
I have a Macbook and a Macbook pro, both of them are perfect.

For the heat, I recomend iLap;s=electronics

I love mine, it's a must have for an Apple Laptop.

2006 / sad, mad, badddd, G5!
« on: September 03, 2006, 09:03:32 PM »
If you have a extra PC laying around, you can take the HD out of the case and use Mac Drive to transfer them.

2006 / Google CEO Joins Appleā€™s Board of Directors
« on: September 01, 2006, 07:27:14 PM »
Introducing .mac 2.0 Beta
(Powerd by Google)

2006 / Todos, a huge 2nd dock with all your apps
« on: August 30, 2006, 04:14:21 PM »
The dock is obsolete once you learn Quicksilver.

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