You have a good beginning as Diana said and yes, some corrections in English usage would certainly give it the finesse to attract some companies.
I do think that maybe brainwash
is closer in meaning than brainstorm to what you are implying in that sentence, though I think a totally different description would be better. Something like "After a total immersion in the company's work processes, I realized that flexo printing has it's own graphic rules that are very different from normal offset work..." might be smoother. You don't want to suggest that your mind is easily controlled. There was a very famous incident in the US many years ago when a presidential hopeful admitted to being "brainwashed", even somewhat jokingly, but it ruined his chances in the campaign, nonetheless.
My one other suggestion is to perhaps use more of an outline form for each company where you worked. The narrative is OK to a point but people (especially in the US) who are looking for employees are usually in a hurry and want to get the gist (basic idea/main part) of your experience fairly quickly. The listing of companies is good but then the first person description on each page may turn off someone who is not willing to read it thoroughly. I did enjoy some of the personal comments but perhaps limiting that on each page after listing the company, location, type of work, responsibilities, etc. would be quicker and easier to absorb.
I know you intend to add examples of your work which is ultimately the most important "selling point". And I don't want to discourage your natural way of communicating by writing of your experiences with some personal comments since it
is you. Ultimately they would be hiring a person and not a description.
I'd also be happy to help you offline if you wish.