I'm checking this right now...thank you so much. Let's see how far I can get with it. What I don't understand is where is all that stuff that doesn't belong there coming from. That's a rhetorical question...lemme see if I can remove it.
David, looking at the code, you've got all sorts of div tags in there that you don't need - plus a lot of other stuff that may be left over from things you had on the page in the past and changed. The page itself actually loads more or less ok in both Safari and Firefox, but clearly looks out of whack within Kompozer.
You haven't got a cascading style sheet (which might make things a little easier), so styles are applied inline for the most part - and there's a whole lot of stuff there that doesn't belong. I'm not sure where some of those tags came from in the first place (the <big> ones for instance), since Kompozer doesn't use that sort of antiquated tag anymore, from what I can see.
I would strongly suggest that you start looking at the pages in both the split view and the code/source view that Kompozer offers, and also, click on the HTML tags button on the lower right side so that you can see the tags being applied to each bit of text. That will give you a good sense of where all the stuff is that you can remove.
I'd remove ALL the <big> <small> etc. tags and use the paragraph and header tags to control your text sizes. For instance - on "David Rubenstein" all you need is the h1 tag and the color specified - not all that stuff that is there now. After removing all the extraneous tags there now (leave the color specification - ONE of them - you've got two on that particular bit of text for different colors of blue) then click on the dropdown that will say "body text" and select "H1" - voila. This will give you the default header size, which should be fine. For your subheads, do the same, using H2 or H3 when appropriate.
It might be faster to copy out the text (use design view, so all you get is the text) and put it into a new page in Design view in Komposer and reapply the styles. That would also eliminate all the unnecessary extra divs you've got there, which are screwing up the alignment somewhat.
I've done that quickly with the Upcoming Concerts page - you can check it out here and look at the source code in Safari or Firefox (View->View Source) and feel free to copy and paste the code into Komposer to use.
http://paddyduncan.com/david.htmlI added a width to the maincontent div to keep it a reasonable width - I set it at 780, but you may want it smaller for pages with paragraphs of text. I also centered that maincontent div by applying margin-left/margin-right "auto" which will keep the div centered on the page no matter how wide the browser window is. Since these styles are all internal (on the page) you can simply change the maincontent one as needed - for left aligned text, for instance, you would change "text-align: center" to "text-align: left"...
Hope that helps.
There are a bunch of fairly simple things you could do to make the pages a little better - add navigation to all (rather than just the link to the home page) and perhaps a border and some further text styling. But the basics are pretty straightforward if you can see what I've done, compared to the code that is there now.