Maybe if you use your Mac for stuff that really requires a high level of security...but I sure as heck am not using Messages (which doesn't work with Adium, BTW) for anything more than "can you stop and get a loaf of bread" or "where are you?" (in Costco) etc. So nix to Adium.
As for email - I am not about to demand that everyone send me encrypted messages or vice versa. Again - if you use email for info that you wouldn't want to get out, then you're foolish. It's not a completely secure method of communication - so sending passwords, logins, banking and financial info etc. is not a good idea. Why do you think banks NEVER send you any info about your account via email - and most medical-related professionals will not correspond with you via email regarding your medical records etc.? (Yes - some doctors do answer patient questions via email - that's a little different)
As for the phone...well, don't use VOIP. And if the government wants to listen in on you, then they'll find a way to do it, so don't kid yourself. Also don't kid yourself that they're actually interested in the vast majority of you. They're not.
So, no - I'm not interested in jumping through hoops to try to make sure that in the off chance that someone tries to intercept "can you get a loaf of bread" they'll be unsuccessful.
But to each his own level of paranoia.
Thanks for all your insight into this stuff that makes no sense to me.