WELLLLLLL unfortunately this is the dialog box that I DUMBLY in fact double DIMBLY fell for a couple of months back
Sorry if I answered unhelpfully. I know some gave said the problem didn't appear to have anything to do with Flash. And then there appears the Flash Player dialog.
I'm totally confused. Are you saying that the image you included in your post (#12) is
not the one causing problems?
The use of non-specific words like "this", "that", and "it" can often be confusing when both parties don't know what the other means by the word. Thus, "...unfortunately
this is the dialog box..." seems to imply that the image included in post #12 was
not the dialog you think caused problems. Apparently, you don't have an image of the "problem causing" dialog. I am simply confused about including an image of somethings that now appears to be totally irrelevant to the thread. In that case, no need to display he settings of your "Plug-in Settings...", those settings would appear to be irrelevant, also, since they involve Flash.