Welcome aboard, S'78. . .As an ol' motorhead, I'll be anxious for you to post a picture of your "ride" (although I expect that will have to wait until after you get the problem with your computer straightened out)!
What's the speed of your 'puter? Did you try installing Jag first? I have an '01 733, and Jag runs fast and smooth. I've got it partitioned with Jag on one, and my OS9.2 on another, although I noticed that a "classic" OS9 was installed on the Jag side, but I never use it. I don't think you really have to worry about "zeroing" the HD, should you decide to reload one more time. . .Just reformat it with the disk utility from the installation disk, and if you desire to do it, partition it, also, and then install Jaguar first. I've also got all the Adobe software, and it runs fine, and my memory isn't even maxed out. I can't figure out what you might have done wrong, but. . .Hopefully, someone else might be able to help you nail it!
I just thought of something else, and that is. . .Have you got "classic" running all the time, because that MAY affect the performance.
[ 02-27-2003, 09:54 PM: Message edited by: beacher ]