This is one of the funniest SPAM messages I've ever got! Poor "Elena" should have stayed in Georgia?
Maybe she didn't attend school there, either?
Here are the funnier parts, thanks to Grammar!
Honey, I was forced to write to you on humanitarian ground.
First, I just melt when a stranger calls me "Honey"!
Even more when they are standing on "humanitarian" ground.
my husband died after a heart operation highways
I already know hospitals are dangerous places, apparently, highways are even worse!
Before my husband died last year There is this $ 8.5 million U.S. dollars Uniform State, which he deposited in a local bank here in Lome-Togo.
A wise man, indeed! the description of the amount and the nationality of the money reminds me of the OS X naming "convention": "Oh Es Ten Ten dot ten"...
Knowing my condition [she has liver cancer and had a 'stroke'] I decided to donate this fund to no good God fearing brother or sister
Funny how a little single letter word ("a") can drastically change the meaning of a sentence when it is converted to a two letter word ("
God bless you as you ad a voice of reasoning
Spell chequers don't help when you use real words that sound like the one you really needed... There are more examples but they are all so blatant it gets less and less humorous... I can imagine a room with dozens of people sitting at 20 year old hardware busily copying parts of sentences off a huge blackboard... Who knows, these things may even be part of an English language class in some actual school?! Too bad they don't have a literate teacher.
The only good news about this SPAM is that it got labeled as such by Hostgator: "Subject: [SPAM] Hello Dear". Still have to manually train SpamSieve to recognize it...